50+ years of Christian Ministry

Bringing rays of the Son, through days of fun,
to children
with special needs
Camp Sonshine
Camp Sonshine makes a childhood experience—summer camp–available to children with special needs whose challenges prevent their participation elsewhere. Camp Sonshine is two days and one night of Christian summer camp offering love, acceptance and fun to children ages 8 to 18. We believe that our amazing campers, regardless of ability level, should have all the fun of summer camp. Everything is customized to make camp accessible, from our specially trained staff, activities, to our menus. We meet the varying needs of campers diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities who may also use wheelchairs, walkers or crutches. All they have to do is show up and be treated like stars. Our goal is for campers to be engulfed by God’s love and to have the time of their lives!
Since 2006, campers have enjoyed activities adapted to individual ability levels including; swimming, horseback riding, water games, arts and crafts, sports and Bible studies, and much more. We are honored to say that our campers return year after year to experience the love of Christ lived out at Camp Sonshine!
May 31-June 1, 2025
Campers: Sat, May 31, to Sun, June 1
Staff: Fri, May 30 (setup)
Pricing / Registration
Camp Sonshine is operated by volunteers and funded by donations from area churches, businesses and gracious individuals. This allows your camper to attend for Free. If you feel compelled to donate, you will have an opportunity during registration.
After you have completed the online registration, a staff member will contact you regarding your campers ability to attend.
Each camper will be assigned two buddy helpers and will be part of a team. Experienced team leaders will oversee the teams. Supervisory staff includes therapists and special education teachers. Medical personnel will be onsite throughout the event.
Fun Activities:
Group Singing
Moon Bounce
Wagon Rides
Field Games
Obstacle Course

Face Painting
Awards Ceremony
Yummy Food
S'mores and singing by the campfire
and much, much, more......