50+ years of Christian Ministry
Camp's Mission
A Christian Camp Glorifying God and Transforming Lives for Christ for a Lifetime.

Core Values
1. Christ centered – Christian
2. Functional integrity – honesty, quality, consistency
3. Personal Christian morality
What We Do
1. Value our affiliation within the churches of Christ
2. Value Summer Sessions as the keystone of our programs & services
3. Value the strengths of our volunteer system
4. Value being a positive influence for God in community
5. Value the spiritual and numerical strength added to the
participating churches of Christ

Camp's Vision
To preserve, enhance, and expand access to the life-changing spiritual experience that occurs during our summer camping sessions.
To be prudent and resourceful managers of land, facilities, staff and volunteers in a way that facilitates growth, financial stability, and stewardship of the resources God had entrusted to us.
To be a rich resource of blessing to those who share our Church of Christ heritage, as well as to all the additional communities we serve.